Best Guide of Rural Tourism in Rajasthan

Rural Tourism in Rajasthan is fast coming up as a travel destination in India and becoming quite favorite among the tourist across the world. These small towns were quite hidden from the eyes of heritage lovers who believe in knowing the true culture of India which still resides in these small villages and towns.  Rajasthan  rural life remains as attractive as it always was from
generations. India is continuously showcasing its village charms under the campaign “Rural Tourism India” as an ideal destination for encountering the traditional ways of simple living and getting content with that simplicity.

Rajasthan is a place where you will have thechance to see the  diverse culture of a village life, the life style of people living in villages, their mode of work, food and all kind of cultural activities. Its in fact quite fascinating to know the how much the simplicity has been groomed into every individual quite away from the pomp and show of modern life. In fact there are many Tour Packages in India that includes special packages on Rural Tourism in Rajasthan. A village safari near Jodhpur is quite popular among the visitors. It’s a day village tour  that will take you to the villages located near Jodhpur city. A guide top tourist place in Rajasthan where you must go.

The Bishnoi village safari in Jodhpur is a must on your Rajasthan Travel. Normally twice a day the village safari tours runs. Take the tour in the morning or either in the
evening to Bishnoivillage, it is quite exciting to know the Bishnoi lifestyle. They are animal lovers and don’t believe in harming them or cutting trees. The villagers are mainly into pottery and block printing work, creating unique designs and pieces all together using natural colors. If you are interested in meeting the village people,  the tour facilitate this also. You will be visiting many  homes and see how people live in village, how they maintain and decorate their houses and indulging in making traditional clothing. You can sight lot many Blackbucks and the Nilgaiwondering  around the village. The village safari also includes GudaBishnoiyan village tour where you can sight countless demoiselle cranes all cluster around the water body. Take a tour where lunch in inclusive, typical Rajasthani cuisine comprising of Rajasthanivegetable served with millet bread (bajara roti) along with chappatis, paratha, curd and pickle. This is among the best Village safari Trip in Rajasthan.

Rajasthan villages work in unity to develop tourism in the country. The specialty ofIndian villagelies in its simplicity, with a mud plasteredwalls and floors, decorated in white designs and patterns, completely shaded houses and roads with trees all around. There are hangout joints mainly made under a huge shaded tree where all important matters, evening and morning socialization takes place. Green fields are plough with oxen driven carts, people usually walks on foot no other means of transportation. This is a perfect setup for simple living.

While on their IndiaTravel,tourist discovers a new faces of the rural villages and gets a unique experience. There are many village charms for the tourist like cart rides pulled by bullocks or camels – a thrilling ride that could only be found in villages of India.  Rural Tourism of Rajasthan also includes the enjoyment of  churning butter from milk, getting involved in ploughing ofpaddy field, or adventure of  carrying mud pots on heads filled with water taken out from well, just like any village women. These are some of the wonderful experiences a visitor will take back home from the villages of Rajasthan India. 


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